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December 2011

The Arrival 2.0

Thursday, December 1, 2011 0

dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahimmm

wow it has been 4 months plus since my last update. shabbass bettey. syndrom anak dua org kata. makin malas nak menulis. but this is for you @LinGhazale

The Arrival

I was already 5 days overdued . bb2.0 didnt show any sign oh popping out soon at that time. we went to see Doc Hamidah on my due date. bb macam dah besar, and engaged so doc wasnt happy about the fact that the baby is not out yet. so she scheduled me for an induce on the next 5 days, sambil tu pesan cukup2 suruh normal induce. hahah macam lah larat. (but we tried tho, this baby is just so comfy inside, dont really wanna get out much lol)

i tweeted about it so my lovely twitter mommas advised me with 1001 ideas to induce my labor. cuci toilet lah, jalan2 lah, tut lah (ops 18sx lol) we tried every single thing but still no sign. not even a slight cramp. but my tummy was very big and low i hardly walk . we were staying at my parents house in pjaya, which is a two storey mmg hazzabun going up n down the stairs. serba tak kena. duduk salah, baring salah the only thing that was comfortable enuff was my jumbo bean bag haha.  btw i was scheduled for induce on november 2nd. twitter mommas dah bising apsal tak pilih 1hb so that dapat nice date tapi tak terpk laa haha.

so that noon, hubs took a half day off n accompanied me for a lunch at nippon-tei Alamanda.  had a nice lunch , then we went straight to Putrajaya Hospital to check in. unfortunately the whole executive floor was fully occupied,  the staffs suggested for us to wait at home first just in case ada org nak checkout.

we returned home, and hubby went back to his office.  at around 6pm i received a call from the hosp , comfirming a ward for me (but not on the exec floor. sobs ) and they requested us to check-in ASAP coz theres a long list  of patients waiting for the rooms to be released. ramainyela manusia beranak at the same time.

the only room left was a two-bed sharing room. we had no option but to agree coz if not i will have to wait for the next day. my mind was already set that night to get the baby out ASAP. aku dah tak larat.

Since it was already late when we got the room, so the induce doc scheduled me for induce on the next morning. yelah kalau dia induce malam, buatnye nak terberanak pagi buta. tak ke nyusahkan gynae. baik induce pagi buta so by noon keluar baby.  my ward mate was a kakak who was also scheduled for delivery on the next day, and she was carrying twins! a boy n a girl! bes kan? (tapi pk nak jaga tu, err) she was a nice lady, we chitchatted a bit . i couldnt sleep well  that nite due to my nervousness . sapa tak takut nak labor woi. so killed my time reading some surahs from my ipod.

ok let me break down the labor process

subh: woke up and perform my solat and read surah Maryam .

7am : went to the induce room. doc insert a tablet down under to trigger contraction.apparently i was already 2cm dilated pre-insertion.  and she also inserted the tablet to soften your stool before delivery. keluar bilik tu terus lari masuk toilet lol.

i was told to fast from  12am midnite, so lapar gila . and i needed to fast for another hour for ctg. ergh

730am : midwife came and strap me on CTG. the reading was very unstable (dunno whats the problem, mesin bengong ke kulit aku tebal sgt ke kejap ada kejap takde reading)

8am : midwife is still not satisfied with the reading . so she she didnt let me eat . (T-T) (takut doc marah katanya wth). lapar woiii

9am: bbs heart beat reading looks promising. doc came n i asked her if im allowed to have my breakfast yet. she said ok then snapped to the midwife.” la kenapa tak bagi dia makan! ” lol ngehngeh tula kau takut sgt! bagila minum sket ke hapa. japgi nak nak labor nih! mana nak korek energy! i gobbled my breakfast and nervously waited for the contraction.

10am: contraction started . i stood still and held on to the wall to control my breathing . this really helped to ease my contraction . it was a about 15 minuts apart but not that intense.  they strapped me again to the ctg machine.

11:30am contraction were already 10 minutes apart. midwife came and inserted the stool softener tablet. (AGAIN!) i was blurred at that time wondering why the hell do i need to clear my bowel again ? tapi sbb tgh blur, aku pegi terima je. baru beranak dua kali je. mana aku tau. i thot it was supposed to be that way so pasrah,

1135am: the urge to poop n contraction came at the same time. serious blur nak berak ke contraction ni ? my toilet was occupied , tapi serious dah tak tahan gila haha i ran down the hall asking where is the nearest toilet .  then midwife bagi je masuk another room . the one midwife that was assigned to monitor my progress was kelam kabut . rupanya doc lupa dia dah bagi ubat stool tu so they mistakenly gave it TWICE. patut dah dekat labor tu tak payah bagi!!! argh siottt.  kecoh gila while i was doing my thang’ in the toilet. senget2 duduk sbb takut bb terkeluar. serammss .

midwives ketuk2 kat luar pintu toilet jerit.” JGN TERAN KAK! JGN TERAN ! AKAK BUKAN NAK BERAK KOT, TU BABY NAK KELUARTU.!!”

when i really really need to have my no 2 at that time. aku tau la nak berak ke nak beranak weii “KEJAP KEJAP!” stressful habis. at the same time contraction was getting intensed.

i did it halfway sbb dah kecoh sgt kat luar tak bg aku berak. hahah. as soon as i opened the door they pushed me aside and asked me to lie down on the stretcher and they ran down the hall pushing me straight to the labor room. seriously that was a damn real ER scene. hahah. tapi mmg contraction sakit gila masa atas stretcher so i kinda groaned a bit . lagila kakak2 tu cuak ingat i was already in labor! Hubby pun dah tak tau kat mana at that time. LOL

as soon as  we arrived at the labor room, the staff (dunno what do we call them, yg pakai baju biru tu) checked my opening to make sure if i was really about to give birth that second. “ohhh baru 7cm! ingatkan dah nak beranak”

gelak je midwives yg lari2 hantar tuh. kecoh beb hahaha

the midwives blah, i groaned again mmg macam rasa nak terpoop. dah terangkat2 butt ” alamak , nurse saya rasa nak terberak! ” HAHAHAHHA malunyeeee at that time tapi seriously i need to poop! She was very calm “takpe dik , berak je takpe. biasa la tu” (T_T)

and i did it.and they changed the sheet. KAHKAH. all the while nak no2 rupanya! padanla pelik sbb baru 7cm takkan dah ada urge to push.

then the blue shirt staff asked again ” la baru masuk ubat stool ke?, kenapa derang tak bagi awal?”

“derang bagi dua kali.

” dua kali?? kesiannye. padanlah “

malang nasibku. terpoop di katil labor. tsk . what n experience. #lesson learned. (T_T)

1pm: contractions were 5 minutes apart. luckily they managed to find hubs and he finally arrived at the labor room.we were left alone at that time.  contraction mmg menggila.  i lied down on my side and held the steel bar very tight every time they came.  mmg masa tu dah baca selawat shifa dan doa nabi yunus je ulang2. another hand pegang hubs hand . i squeeze his hand soo tight sampai merah2. kesian dia standing for almost one hour . masa annur dulu they provided a chair for the husband at least. the pain was unbearable. baru teringat balik sakit during my last delivery with ayra. sakit ya Allah. mmg ingat mati je masa tu. mmg in my mind flashed back segala menda.  especially bila contraction yang macam rasa bb macam dah nak keluar tu. macam nak berak pun ada. i was groaning louder n louder. but nobody came.

115pm: finally dah tak tahan sgt i jerit call the staffs.  coz it really felt like the baby was gonna come out anytime soon. a few came in but apparently my gynae , doc hamidah was nowhere to be seen. tak dapat contact katanya. oh noes. specialist lain pun MIA. tu dia. staff bising2 takkan M/O (?) je nak receive the baby kot.  i was already 8cm dilated

145pm: finally doc Hamidah arrived at the labor room. lega Alhamdulillah. at that time mmg bertarung abis dgn contraction. my gynae on the other hand, was so relax. siap2 sembang2 with the staffs and one young doc (student dia rasanya) mmg macam takde hape. she checked my dilation “ok dah boleh dah ni ye? “

ok push now!

i pushed once. then i pushed twice. HOI susahnye this time.[ (gynae sambil to sembang2 perihal hospital with the staffs (T_T) ] i remembered during ayras time like 2,3 pushes macam rasa babys head coming out. but this one rasa macam stucked je at crowning. push lagi push lagi .butt down. push lagi . hardly remember how many times that i pushed, few minutes later bb2.0 was out. she was so big and heavy i can feel her weight when doc put her on my chest. *edited.  the baby was long overdue that she pooped as soon as she came out. i received her with black poop dripping onto my hand. and nobody bothered to clean it. TSK.  ok that really summarizes this labor story well enuff = #pestaberakmakdananak. euww haha together-gether gitu.

“Alhamdulillah.” i looked at hubs and said. ” I think I had enuff.” hahahaha mmg penat dan havoc habis. sampai tak mau beranak dah (KONON) lol

they cleaned her up and weighed her “3.66kg” . my goodness. so big!

“wah besarnye, berapa saya estimate haritu? 3.4?”

“no , 3.2  ”  i clearly remembered my last checkup was on my due. 3.2 imagine if i waited another 10 days. shees. terkoyak aku.

the midwife then asked for her nappy. alamak, we left her nappies at home coz last time masa Ayra the hosp provided it. #lessonlearned2 goverment hosp doesnt provided free nappies hahaha. apparently hubby brought the wrong bag, n there was no blankie nor nb clothes in that bag. alolo poor my baby tak ada baju. diaper pun takdek.  #lessonlearned3  prepare the right bag to bring into the labor room.  gov hosp provides nothing except the green swaddling blanket.haha

so she was left naked under the flannel cloth beside me. hubs was requested to go out (apparently the hubby cannot stay in the labor room during stitching process .must be some gov hosp precedure)

gynae started to stitch me up sambil2 tu explain to the young doc. betul2 rasa macam experiment haha.she said i had a 1st tear degree (smallest one but still needs to be stitched) i hardly felt it coz i started to be having the after-pains and this time it was really hurts.  seriously. i think maybe the bigger ur uterus expands the more painful it gets to shrink it back to its normal size.  #myowntheory

they put me on drip, and left me for an hour alone with the baby.  few minutes later hubby came with diapers and clothes. he dressed her up and azan and igamah to her ears ( so i thought. coz i was very much in pain and not really aware of whats happening around me) . we looked at each other and looked again at the baby. both of us chuckled for the fact that she looked so much like ayra when she was born but only bigger! like a 2months ayra haha. ayra was only a 2.85kg baby . soo tiny compare to this 3.66kg baby of course

i took a long stare at her trying to memorize her face. i have this silly fear , so that i can tell the difference if they change  her with another baby when i wasnt around  haha. drama queen. but seriously things happen you know.hehe

2 hours (!) later they send me back to my room.

mom n bros were already there with Ayra! she was smiling and looking a bit shy when she saw me (after a night without mommy for the first time haha).Aww but  the baby was brought to the nursery so she didnt get to meet her baby sister yet. she was looking all blurred trying to figure out why is mommy lying on the bed looking sick.  afiqs friends was there too, so we had a chat. but i was still very much in pain so i hardly talk. pelik. it wasnt like this  with ayra. it was really stressful for the fact that im still in pain down under. tensionnye. then the midwives returned my baby just in time when everybody was about to leave. ayra still did not aware of her new sister yet tho. and so they left

i was still afraid to pee but i need to take a bath (mandi wiladah) . as soon as i entered the bathroom (standing) i suddenly wet my self heavily out of control! and all of sudden all the pain is gone! LAHHHHH apparently  i was feeling pain due to my overful bladder ! #lessonlearned4 empty bladder after birth. lamaaaaaanye from 2pm till around maghrib. bukan tahan actually but i didnt feel the urge at all! maybe the feeling got messed up with the after pain i guess.

i had my bath, changed and fed the baby for the first time. and she drank like a PRO.   all is well again.

phewwwwww what an experience!

so let me introduce you the addition to our little family, our bundle of joy, (who is actually now 3months young hahaha)

Layla Yasmine

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